澳大利亚悉尼大学Kim Rasmussen博士授课通知



    我校土木工程学院客座教授、澳大利亚悉尼大学土木与矿山工程学院名誉教授Kim Rasmussen博士将于4月15日至4月21日来我校进行交流访问,讲授“与国际高水平学者共建研究生课程”——《高等钢结构设计》,并针对冷弯薄壁型钢耦合稳定等研究领域进行交流。真诚欢迎老师和同学前来体验世界一流大学的授课方式,并与名师现场交流。

    10:00-11:45   Design philosophy and specifications
    15:45-17:30   Methods of analysis
    18:00-19:45   Tute 1: Analysis
    8:00-9:45    Flexural members (AS4100 & AS/NZS4600)
    15:45-17:30   Flexural members (AISC, BS5950, GB50017)
    18:00-19:45   Tute 2: Flexural members
    10:00-11:45   Compression members (AS4100 & AS/NZS4600)
    18:00-19:45   Compression members (AISC, BS5950, GB50017)
    20:00-21:45   Tute 3: Compression members
    8:00-9:45    Beam-columns (AS4100 & AS/NZS4600)
    10:00-11:45   Beam-columns (AISC, BS5950, GB50017)
地点:二学区主楼 BD201
主持:范峰 教授
Kim Rasmussen博士简介
    Kim教授来自悉尼大学 / 土木工程学院,现任土木学院院长。研究方向为轻型钢结构体系、薄壁结构稳定、不锈钢结构和铝结构
1. 主要学习经历
M.Sc.Eng. (1982)           Technical University of Denmark
Ph.D. (1989)              University of Sydney
Feb 1989-Dec 1993       Lecturer in Civil Engineering in the School of Civil and Mining Engineering, University of Sydney
Jan 1994 -Dec 1998       Senior Lecturer in Civil Engineering in the School of Civil and Mining Engineering, University of Sydney
Jul 1995  -Dec 1995       Visiting Research Scholar, MSM Institute of Civil Engineering, University of Liege, Liege, Belgium
Jan 1996 -Jun 1996       Visiting Research Scholar, Department of Structural Engineering and Materials, Technical University of Denmark
Feb 1997 -present          Chairman of Committee BD/50 Aluminium Structures, Standards Australia
Jan 1999 -Dec 2004       Associate Professor in Civil Engineering in the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Sydney
Jan 2003 -Jul 2003         Visiting Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering, University of Trento
Jan 2005 - present         Professor in Civil Engineering in the School of Civil Engineering,University of Sydney
Jan 2005 -present          Head of the School of Civil Engineering, University of Sydney
Jan 2007 - Mar 2007      Otto Mønsted Visiting Professor at the Technical University of Denmark
3. 在国际学术组织任职情况
        Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers
        Board Member of the Centre of Excellence Light Metals
        Chair of CIMS2008
·        Undergraduate
    • Structural analysis
    • Thin-walled structures
    • Engineering mechanics
    • Structural dynamics
  • Postgraduate
    • Plates and shells
    • Stainless Steel and Aluminium Structures
    • Advanced Stability and Structural Analysis
    • Advanced Structural Steel Design
5. 发表主要学术论著近百篇
6. 获得的主要学术荣誉或奖励
1)Raymond C. Reese Research Prize, 2006. Offered by the American Society of Civil Engineers for the paper Design Provisions for Sections Containing Unstiffened Elements with Stress Gradient, Journal of Structural Engineering,October2004, http://www.asce.org/files/pdf/honors/ReeseWinners.pdf.
2)Moisseiff Award, 2007. Offered by the American Society of Civil Engineers for the papers Distortional Buckling of Cold-Formed Stainless Steel Sections: Experimental Investigation and Distortional Buckling of Cold-Formed Stainless Steel Sections:  Finite-Element Modeling and Design, Journal of Structural Engineering, April 2006.