



Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT)

General Provisions of Appointing Overseas Co-supervisor

一、聘任原则 I. Appointment Principles


The principles of appointing overseas co-supervisor are: beneficial to cultivate high-level doctoral studentsconducive to the construction and development of the related disciplineleading to innovative achievements in the discipline frontierand helpful to improve academic standards of the discipline and its international academic reputation.

二、基本条件 II. Basic Conditions


Overseas co-supervisor should meet the following basic conditions:

1. 所从事的研究方向属本学科领域的学科前沿,有丰富的培养博士研究生的经验,年龄一般不超过60岁。

Research direction viewed as the academic frontier of the discipline, rich experiences in doctoral education, and age less than 60 years old.

2. 能够对所在学科拓展优势研究方向,或引入前沿及新兴、交叉研究方向起到积极推进作用。

Active and constructive to develop new research direction in the disciplineor introduce frontier, innovative, and cross-discipline research directions.


Already established stable academic cooperation with the related discipline of HITand having a cooperative supervisorhereinafter referred to as co-supervisor, who is a doctoral supervisor recruiting doctoral students at HIT and shares a close research direction with the overseas co-supervisor.

三、主要工作内容 III. Main Duties

1. 与校内合作导师在博士生培养过程中共同开展以下工作:

    Full responsibilities for doctoral education and dissertation supervision jointly assumed with the co-supervisor of HIT include:


Choose the appropriate source of doctoral studentsand examine the admission qualifications of the doctoral candidate


Guide the doctoral student to formulate personal research scheme


Guide the doctoral student to determine research direction and research focus.


Guide the doctoral student to write academic papers and doctoral dissertation


Organize doctoral students to submit research proposal, and conduct pilot and final viva.

2. 为相关领域研究生、本科生开设课程或系列专题讲座;

Provide courses or workshops for postgraduates and undergraduates in the related fields

3. 与学科建设、研究生培养有关的其他工作。

Other work related to the discipline construction and postgraduate training.

四、聘任工作程序 IV. Procedures of Appointment

1. 境外合作导师的申报工作原则上每年进行2次,分别在3月份及10月份。

In principle, application for overseas co-supervisor will be conducted twice a year, in March and October respectively.

2. 申请人及申请人的校内合作导师填写《哈尔滨工业大学境外兼职博士生导师/合作博士生导师申请表》(见附件一),经学科同意后报送所在学位分委员会。

The applicant together with the co-supervisor are asked to fill in HIT Application Form of Overseas Part-time Doctoral Supervisor/ Co-supervisor(see Appendix I), with the consent of the discipline, submit them to the Branch of Academic Degree Committee.

3. 学位分委员会在每年4月份审核博士生导师资格的专题会议上及10月份审核博士学位论文的例会上对申请人的相关材料进行审核,并将同意聘任的申请人的相关材料报送校学位办公室。

The Branch of Academic Degree Committee will examine the related materials of the applicant at the April Meeting of Checking Doctoral Supervisor Qualifications and at the October Routine Meeting of Examining Doctoral Dissertations every year, and submit the authorized materials of the applicant to HIT Academic Degree Office.

4. 校学位委员会常委会对各学位分委员会的报送材料进行讨论,以投票表决的形式确定获得境外合作导师资格的申请人名单,并给予公布。

HIT Standing Academic Degree Committee will discuss the overseas co-supervisor’s application materials submitted by each Branch Academic Degree Committee; in the form of voting, authorize the applicant's qualifications for working as overseas co-supervisor at HIT; and announce the list of successful applicants.

5. 获得资格的申请人在与我校研究生院签订《哈尔滨工业大学境外合作博士生导师聘任合同》(见附件二)后,正式成为我校境外合作导师。

The successful applicant signs with the Graduate School of HIT theHIT Overseas Part-time Doctoral Co-supervisor contract of appointment(see Appendix II). From then, the applicant has officially become HIT overseas co-supervisor.

五、聘期及招生 V. Tenure of Office and Recruitment

1. 境外合作导师的聘任期限为5年,境外合作导师在聘期内与校内合作导师共同招收博士生,占用校内合作导师的招生名额。

The term of employment of overseas co-supervisor lasts five years. During this period s/he can recruit the doctoral students with the co-supervisor of HIT, which displaces the enrolment quota of the supervisor of HIT.

2. 境外合作导师聘任期满后,自动失去我校境外合作导师身份。在需要的情况下,须重新申请我校境外合作导师资格。重新申请原则上按本规定第四条的程序进行,在学校审核时将重点考虑申请人在前一聘期间合作培养博士生的情况。

When the tenure of overseas co-supervisor is mature, s/he will automatically lose the status of HIT overseas co-supervisor. If needed, s/he must apply for the post again. In principle, the above Procedures of Appointment is observed. In this case, HIT will examine his/her performance in the previous tenure and make final decision.

六、考核 VI. Assessment

1. 在聘期结束前三个月,境外合作导师应提交《哈尔滨工业大学境外合作博士生导师培养博士生工作总结报告》(总结报告提纲见附件三)。

Overseas co-supervisor should submitHIT Report of Doctoral Supervision from Overseas Co-supervisorthree months ahead at the end of the tenure.(see Appendix III).

2. 校学位委员会专家组将对境外合作导师合作培养博士生的情况进行考核及评价。考核合格者,具备申请续聘我校境外合作导师的资格。

The experts of HIT Academic Degree Committee will undertake assessment and evaluation about the doctoral education of overseas co-supervisor. If assessed as qualified, overseas co-supervisor is allowed apply for renewing his/her contract of HIT Overseas Part-time Doctoral Co-supervisor.

七、其它 VII. Others


The Graduate School of HIT is entitled to interpret the above provisions.




