附件1 留学博士研究生综合考评表 Form for Comprehensive Evaluation of Doctoral Candidates(中英).doc
留学博士学位论文开题报告的有关要求 Requirements concerning Doctoral Dissertation Proposal(中英).docx
留学博士开题报告撰写要求 Doctoral Dissertation Proposal(中英).doc
留学博士学位论文开题报告评议结果Evaluation Results Form for Proposal of Doctoral Dissertation.doc
留学博士学位论文开题答辩过程记录 Records for the Oral Defense of Dissertation Proposal(中英).doc
留学博士学位论文开题报告修改情况确认表 Form for Confirming the Dissertation Proposal Revising(中英).doc
留学博士中期检查相关表格 留学博士学位论文中期进展考核表 Form for Evaluation of Interim Inspection of Doctoral Dissertation.doc